Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The thesis of this post is: we are in the coolest preschool in Atlanta.

It’s a cooperative preschool, which basically means that tuition is lower than other philosophically progressive schools and that parents are active members in the schooling process (rotating through as a Parent Teacher, serving on a committee).

Let me explain a little bit of what being a part of this co-op has meant for us.

Last night, I attended the Playscape design meeting for the school’s new outdoor space. Ever since reading about moveable parts in the Imagination Playgrounds in New York City and watching kids play with some different play equipment in Germany, I’ve had a passion about playground structures (random, I know).  I’m thrilled to be a part of these planning stages and excited about how many other people around me think creatively about outdoor education!

Last weekend, there was a welcome picnic for the entire school in the neighborhood’s community garden. All three of us had a good time.
Yesterday was Daisy’s first day of preschool. 

There are six kids in her class, three girls and three boys. The teacher came to our house for a home visit last month, so Daisy is already pretty comfortable with her. We’ve also been there for work days, getting the new facility ready for the school year, so she even knows her way around.
After I dropped her off, I had 3.75 hours to myself. I met with some other parents for coffee for a while before ducking into some cool shops that I hadn’t had the chance to look into yet. Then I walked. 

Historic Atlantan Home
I saw a moving tribute to the honorable soldiers of the Confederate States of America. Wait, aren't they the bad guys?

I got a free pair of earrings. I stopped for lunch by myself, feeling a little bit lonely. I wrote this poem:

I grew a second set of eyes
The day you were born, 
An evolutionary trait inherited 
From mother bears or
An insect. 
I feel them when I wrinkle my forehead.
Invisible vision to everyone else
When you are
Not With Me.

I felt like a married person who forgets to wear a wedding ring and feels conspicuously "unbranded."

Tomorrow, it’s my turn to be the Parent Teacher. Every parent is encouraged to bring something to share with the class when it’s her day, so I’m bringing my flute (plus my student flute for the kids to try). I’m also bringing the class snack before lunch. Looking forward to my "first day of preschool!"


  1. I'm so happy that you found such a great place for Daisy. And for you! Enjoy your "me" time -- it is really important to be kind to yourself :-)

    *love the poem, by the way.

  2. Awe, this was such a sweet post. It's so funny, the colors of that historical house is pretty much identical to our home's new colors. :) Enjoy your day at school tomorrow!
