We've been attending a Lutheran church near us - perhaps because of the large Midwest contingent and the frequent references to Germany! - and today's Reformation Day celebration was really fun. Someone brewed Martin Luther's purportedly favorite beer recipe, there was a bounce house for the kids, and Daisy keeps exclaiming about the "dark red scarves" that the pastors were wearing today (they've been green since we moved here). Chris and I kept thinking about our trip last year to Wittenberg, Germany, also on Reformation Sunday. In honor of the day, I dug up some pictures from last year that I never posted on my other blog:
The church he preached at - we went to an English service here on Saturday night |
Outside the 95 Theses doors - we attended church here on Sunday morning, and got to exit through these doors |
Our seats on that crowded Sunday (way up high); we sang "A Mighty Fortress" about 25 times, I think |
Luther's hymnal |